Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Dark One

You look away from me, cannot meet my stare.
The truth lies in your eyes, in your demeanor,
Your heart is hardened; your soul is tortured and dark,
You have built an impenetrable wall around yourself.
You treat others with a calculated callousness.
I know the reason for your heart's protection,
But I wonder, what must you have endured,
What has clouded your soul?
I can see a faint light, but it dims a little each day,
soon I'm afraid it will be too tainted……totally dark.
What I see in your eyes frightens me,
yet I cannot help but to reach out to you.
Allow me to show you the light, help to ease your pain.
At the risk of my own soul, which is virtuous and serene,
my heart which is pure and gentle……I wish to help.I see there is still goodness in you, why must you hide it?

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