Monday, August 30, 2010

Times they are a changin'

This was posted on my "G" rated blog entitled "Life as a Southern Woman in the 21st Century" and even though it isn't my usual "writing" posted here - I decided to post it anyway, including the introduction which accompanied it. As usual, all comments, negative and positive are welcome (as long as you don't decide to be a tattletale and call my Daddy

OK - before you read this - rather than a Post script I'll put this up front. This is written "tongue in cheek" and if you decide you wish to read it and then call my Daddy and tell him the contents, shame on you. He's already aware of everything here - well, ALMOST everything here - and please refer to earlier writing titled "Self Expression" written Sept. 9, 2009. It's on my My Space Page. Now without further ado:

It's hard to believe it's been over two years since I've written anything on my G rated blog which was when Peyton started walking. Gosh - so much has changed. Alex got Peyton back in August 2008. She, Peyton and Chris lived in an apartment here in Slidell until December 2008. She and Peyton moved in with me then to prepare for her departure for bootcamp in April 2009. Since June 2007, I have gone from no grandchildren to four and two halves.....Alex and Amy are expecting again - so it will be six early next year. Looks like maybe three boys and three girls. I am indeed blessed. (Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your own teenage children.)

December 2008, I was laid off from my position as a paralegal in New Orleans. I had been having difficulty with my eyes (inflammation caused by an infection in my eyes) which made it almost impossible to be as efficient or accurate in drafting, editing, proofing and finalizing legal documents - the crux of my job. Ironic, because in my 30s I returned to college so that I could obtain a better paying position so I could support myself and my children without having to depend on anyone else; incurring student loans out the wazoo, only to find I cannot perform that job any longer. On the bright side - I hated working for attorneys anyway.

I have been working as a substitute teacher and paraprofessional as often as possible. Usually at the alternative school or with the behavior disorder kids. Funny, I'd rather work with "bad kids" than "good attorneys" (good attorney, honest attorney - both are definitely oxymorons). June of this year, I took the course required to become "certified" as a paraprofessional so that maybe I can obtain a full-time position as SOMETHING working with these kids with special needs.

I quit smoking the first of April. Haven't had a cigarette since then, and haven't killed anyone yet either - close call a couple of times, but so far, I'm not a homicidal maniac. And now if the weather will cooperate so I can exercise more, maybe the tension and calories will be eliminated more efficiently and I won't have to buy larger clothes. Cleaning house isn't exactly "weight reduction" exercise, and as far as other indoor exercise, please see paragraphs #6 and #7.(OK - now to the "Puritans" who might be reading this - that was a joke, sorry if it offended, wait, no I'm not - if you're offended, you should already know better than reading my writings...).

Brian made it to high school. He is attending his older brothers' (and wonderful sister-in-law's) Alma mater, Salmen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he applies himself and does well. He doesn't realize it yet, but he may just be the next Einstein, if I could just get him to focus and do what he should. You know, the way my kids end(ed) up is actually my Mama's fault. I recall as a teenager when Mama would get frustrated she would tell me, "I hope you have one [a child] just like you." Well, I have four - each one has a different aspect of what must have been an undesirable characteristic of mine. Gosh, Mama, I'm so sorry - it took four kids to cover all of my "bad habits and characteristics." How did you remain sane? Obviously, my parents are both saints.

My relationship with Tom fell apart in 2008 and 2009 - on again, off again - many broken promises of change (him, not me). I allowed him to stay here for months as a "roommate" because he had no place else to go - and like Mama tells me - I'm too nice for my own good. But when my son became aware of the drinking, staying out all night - those types of activities in which Tom was participating, I issued an ultimatum - stop or move out. Two more broken promises/rules later - I packed his belongings and had them ready one morning when he finally stumbled home after a night of drinking and hoeing (as Brian called it) One slap (him to me), one 911 call (me to STPSO) and a hasty exit (him)later, I was, as Gilbert O'Sullivan sang, "alone again, naturally."

I have dated on and off since then; a couple of people I dated for several months (not at the same time), but I'm taking my time. I'd thought about coming up with a psychological test to give prospective "dates," but I decided to try and steer clear of "certain types." For example, those who tend to drink in excess; who think they are rocket scientist and aren't (I have actually met one rocket scientist); those from whom small children and animals flee (usually a good indicator that person's evil); those who proclaim they avoid drama (first, define drama, no one likes excessive drama, and I try to avoid it, but get a grip - life is full of drama - if it's not, you're either a priest or nun - oops, on second thought - you must be a nun - some priests tend to CAUSE drama); those people will be immediately eliminated from my "short list" (like I have a "long list" WISH). So in other words, ANYONE whom I would have dated or with whom I would have become seriously involved in the past is to be avoided like the plague. But seriously, right now I'm not worried about "dating" - I'm concentrating on Brian and finding a job - the order of those two priorities differs from day to day.

So as I try to re-discover myself; well, I was always here, just hiding at times (God, now I sound like I'm in need of a psychological test) and try to find another job, I have come to the realization that the philosophical ideas by which I have directed my life are better than most: Be yourself; treat the earth and other living things with respect; be respectful to your elders (whether they deserve it or not); be kind to animals, children and your elders; always be honest but tactful; laugh as often as you can; and love totally and unconditionally. I may get hurt and others may take advantage of me, but when my time is up, I will have no regrets. Because, like the title of Jim Morrison's biography, "No one here gets out alive."

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