Saturday, December 10, 2016


From where did you come and are you what you portray? I don’t know. I want so desperately to believe you. Your words allure and beguile me. Do your words hold the truth? All I am certain is that you have shown me that I do still have the capacity to love. For so many years I have guarded my heart and built walls to avoid experiencing the devastation I did the last time I allowed myself to love unconditionally.

But you have changed that. Like a dam bursting, all the feelings are now flowing freely and I have lost the ability to control or contain them. I feel like a teenager with those breathtaking feelings of giddiness, anticipation, excitement and yes, even hope for an amazing and fascinating future. It’s like butterflies, sunlight, snowflakes and passion all mixed together. At times I feel like I am once again a child feeling the anticipation with which a child awaits Christmas, or the wonder of catching snowflakes on their tongue, the warmth of sunlight on their face while spinning wildly round and round until falling dizzily to the ground in laughter. That’s what you’ve done to me.

Days ago you asked me what I had done to you. Well I guess it was mutual for I cannot stop thinking about you. Just your words have ignited a flame of passion that I have long felt had been extinguished. I want so much to see you, to be able to look into your eyes and to feel your touch; though I’m afraid your touch would light a fiery inferno.

It is usually difficult to know what someone else feels. I have but one time in my life felt I could sense what someone else was feeling. It requires an emotional and spiritual connection which is so rare that most humans never achieve that state of consciousness. That connection makes the communication between two people so powerful that a new level of existence is achieved.

You asked me for my rules and regulations, the only thing I must have is someone who understands the meaning of honesty, trust, loyalty and faithfulness. You mentioned True Companionship, I am unsure to what you are referring, but to me that would require someone with whom you share everything - life’s happiness and sorrow, struggles and successes. You told me I was your new joy, blessing and new life and that you desire to watch over me, take care of me. With the exception of my father, I have never allowed myself to totally depend or believe in someone before

You’ve told me that when you love that you do so with your entire being – body and soul. When I love, I do so with my entire being as well; my mind, body, spirit and soul. It’s called unconditional love and there are no words that can describe that type of love. I have no angel wings or magic wand; for if I did, you would be here beside me now, and that’s where you would stay.

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Funny story - apparently Google keeps track of the counties from which your blog is viewed. The most recent audience views have come from France, Portugal and Nigeria? Okay?