Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Perfect Pair of Shoes
I have mistakenly believed I had found the perfect shoes in the past, only to get them home and realize that the manufacturer’s promise and pledge was nothing more than false advertisement. And there have been a couple of instances where I knew the pair I had chosen was not what I needed or knowing that the manufacturer’s promise was false. But I invested in the chosen shoes convincing myself that they would suffice; only to discover I suffered from “buyer’s remorse.” I found the perfect pair once, but they were not available to me. You see, they were in an exclusive store that catered to a specific type of elite shoppers. Though I feel most of us fall into some category of elite; of this particular type of elite, I was not one.
I recall as a child, the pure joy of going barefooted. Running through the grass, dirt and sand. Of course, occasionally encountering a "sticker" or stones, and sometimes walking across asphalt or rocks could be a little uncomfortable or painful. I felt such delight in being totally unencumbered. But then society's ideas made me feel I needed those shoes; I must have those shoes to be normal, to fit their definition of acceptable. And I must admit, having shoes can sometimes be so very comforting and reassuring and even a lot of fun at times. Now the question; do I shun society's ideas and forgo the comfort, reassurance and occasional joy and revert to that child who loved running through the soft grass unfettered and barefooted?
©Copyright 2010
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
New Year's Day
The greens signified greenbacks – or money. As a kid, I swear, eating actual money would have been a better treat to the culinary palette. If I recall correctly, the peas represented change – I always thought Mama meant quarters, nickels and dimes, but common sense now tells me it must have be change in fortune or direction in life. The rice, (which was usually eaten with the black-eyed peas) well it was supposed to be for luck. As I was staring at my plate, I remember most years thinking, “Yeah, I need the luck to get this yucky food down.”
After lunch we would usually watch football games and scream for our favorite teams with the enthusiasm of someone who had actually attended the colleges represented in the bowl games. I always contributed the lack of lethargy that usually followed the other usual holiday meals to the football games and the horrible food. I certainly didn’t realize that we ate less than at Thanksgiving or Christmas and the carbohydrate-rich foods we consumed on those holidays were responsible for the lethargic feeling after eating. (Yes, the traditional turkey contains tryptophan, that when taken on an empty stomach without any other food will cause drowsiness, but it’s the carbohydrates that are actually the culprit). Despite the food, New Year’s Day was always special and I now realize it was because it was a family day.
After 1968, we added birthday cake as an afternoon snack. My baby sister chose New Year’s Day to make her arrival in this world, bless her heart. Had she known what we were force-fed on that day, I KNOW she would have gestated another day. Back when we were kids, only convenient stores were open on New Year’s Day, so there was no option of fast food for a special treat for her birthday. Heck, there were very few fast food places when I was a kid.
Unfortunately, this year, both my father and my baby sister were sick, so I cheated a bit on the menu and cooked red beans and rice and the only greens I could find were mustard greens. Funny, maybe it’s the economy, but I didn’t have to force my two kids that were here to eat the greens. And my baby sister, well, because she was sick, she was able to skip the traditional New Year’s Day meal. Miserable way to spend your birthday! Anyway – Happy Birthday, baby sister. I love you!
©Copyright 2010
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made without the express permission of the author.
Trophy Wife
I love watching people, but my favorite subject(s) to observe would have to be children; savoring their joy, love for life and most importantly their innocence. On this occasion, the young mother was trying to coax her son to eat his French fries so they could get ice cream and then go home so he could watch the cartoon network.
I looked over at his mother and happened to notice she was wearing a t-shirt that proudly proclaimed “Trophy Wife.” I can honestly say, I’ve NEVER seen that phrase written on a t-shirt, let alone someone wearing a t-shirt with that phrase. Trophy Wife? I looked closely at the young woman; yes she was fairly attractive. Now maybe I’m confused about the definition of a trophy wife, but I always picture a drop-dead gorgeous woman, who lacks intellect and has only one function in her husband’s life, being an adornment.
I think at that age, I was as attractive as this young woman, but I dare say, none of my ex-husbands would have had the courage to refer to me as a “trophy wife” unless perhaps they were suicidal. Don’t get me wrong; I didn’t mind being told I was attractive (though I never believed it) but for someone to insinuate that I was no more than an ornament – BIG MISTAKE! I could have seen Joey giving me something like that as a “gag” gift, but he would have stood on the other side of the room when I opened it.
Now I don’t know if this young woman’s husband had bought her the t-shirt or whether she had bought it herself. Obviously, this young woman was a “stay-at-home” mother. So she has a function other than an ornament, though from the interaction I observed, like most young women her age nowadays, she needed a course in parenting.
As I sat there eating my lunch listening to her tell her son to hurry so she could go home and play on the computer while he watched cartoons, I came to the conclusion that yes, she must be a trophy wife. Although I didn’t know the young woman, she apparently didn’t have the wisdom or astuteness to realize exactly what her t-shirt was proclaiming to the world. By the way, if anyone sees me wearing something that declares a similar sentiment, please notify the authorities, because I have completely lost my mind and need to be committed!
©Copyright 2009
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including print, electronic or otherwise, may be
made without the express permission of the author.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Times they are a changin'
OK - before you read this - rather than a Post script I'll put this up front. This is written "tongue in cheek" and if you decide you wish to read it and then call my Daddy and tell him the contents, shame on you. He's already aware of everything here - well, ALMOST everything here - and please refer to earlier writing titled "Self Expression" written Sept. 9, 2009. It's on my My Space Page. Now without further ado:
It's hard to believe it's been over two years since I've written anything on my G rated blog which was when Peyton started walking. Gosh - so much has changed. Alex got Peyton back in August 2008. She, Peyton and Chris lived in an apartment here in Slidell until December 2008. She and Peyton moved in with me then to prepare for her departure for bootcamp in April 2009. Since June 2007, I have gone from no grandchildren to four and two halves.....Alex and Amy are expecting again - so it will be six early next year. Looks like maybe three boys and three girls. I am indeed blessed. (Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your own teenage children.)
December 2008, I was laid off from my position as a paralegal in New Orleans. I had been having difficulty with my eyes (inflammation caused by an infection in my eyes) which made it almost impossible to be as efficient or accurate in drafting, editing, proofing and finalizing legal documents - the crux of my job. Ironic, because in my 30s I returned to college so that I could obtain a better paying position so I could support myself and my children without having to depend on anyone else; incurring student loans out the wazoo, only to find I cannot perform that job any longer. On the bright side - I hated working for attorneys anyway.
I have been working as a substitute teacher and paraprofessional as often as possible. Usually at the alternative school or with the behavior disorder kids. Funny, I'd rather work with "bad kids" than "good attorneys" (good attorney, honest attorney - both are definitely oxymorons). June of this year, I took the course required to become "certified" as a paraprofessional so that maybe I can obtain a full-time position as SOMETHING working with these kids with special needs.
I quit smoking the first of April. Haven't had a cigarette since then, and haven't killed anyone yet either - close call a couple of times, but so far, I'm not a homicidal maniac. And now if the weather will cooperate so I can exercise more, maybe the tension and calories will be eliminated more efficiently and I won't have to buy larger clothes. Cleaning house isn't exactly "weight reduction" exercise, and as far as other indoor exercise, please see paragraphs #6 and #7.(OK - now to the "Puritans" who might be reading this - that was a joke, sorry if it offended, wait, no I'm not - if you're offended, you should already know better than reading my writings...).
Brian made it to high school. He is attending his older brothers' (and wonderful sister-in-law's) Alma mater, Salmen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he applies himself and does well. He doesn't realize it yet, but he may just be the next Einstein, if I could just get him to focus and do what he should. You know, the way my kids end(ed) up is actually my Mama's fault. I recall as a teenager when Mama would get frustrated she would tell me, "I hope you have one [a child] just like you." Well, I have four - each one has a different aspect of what must have been an undesirable characteristic of mine. Gosh, Mama, I'm so sorry - it took four kids to cover all of my "bad habits and characteristics." How did you remain sane? Obviously, my parents are both saints.
My relationship with Tom fell apart in 2008 and 2009 - on again, off again - many broken promises of change (him, not me). I allowed him to stay here for months as a "roommate" because he had no place else to go - and like Mama tells me - I'm too nice for my own good. But when my son became aware of the drinking, staying out all night - those types of activities in which Tom was participating, I issued an ultimatum - stop or move out. Two more broken promises/rules later - I packed his belongings and had them ready one morning when he finally stumbled home after a night of drinking and hoeing (as Brian called it) One slap (him to me), one 911 call (me to STPSO) and a hasty exit (him)later, I was, as Gilbert O'Sullivan sang, "alone again, naturally."
I have dated on and off since then; a couple of people I dated for several months (not at the same time), but I'm taking my time. I'd thought about coming up with a psychological test to give prospective "dates," but I decided to try and steer clear of "certain types." For example, those who tend to drink in excess; who think they are rocket scientist and aren't (I have actually met one rocket scientist); those from whom small children and animals flee (usually a good indicator that person's evil); those who proclaim they avoid drama (first, define drama, no one likes excessive drama, and I try to avoid it, but get a grip - life is full of drama - if it's not, you're either a priest or nun - oops, on second thought - you must be a nun - some priests tend to CAUSE drama); those people will be immediately eliminated from my "short list" (like I have a "long list"....lol....I WISH). So in other words, ANYONE whom I would have dated or with whom I would have become seriously involved in the past is to be avoided like the plague. But seriously, right now I'm not worried about "dating" - I'm concentrating on Brian and finding a job - the order of those two priorities differs from day to day.
So as I try to re-discover myself; well, I was always here, just hiding at times (God, now I sound like I'm in need of a psychological test) and try to find another job, I have come to the realization that the philosophical ideas by which I have directed my life are better than most: Be yourself; treat the earth and other living things with respect; be respectful to your elders (whether they deserve it or not); be kind to animals, children and your elders; always be honest but tactful; laugh as often as you can; and love totally and unconditionally. I may get hurt and others may take advantage of me, but when my time is up, I will have no regrets. Because, like the title of Jim Morrison's biography, "No one here gets out alive."
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Confederate Flag - Heritage NOT Hate!
South Carolina adopted an ordinance declaring its secession from the Union shortly after Lincoln was elected president in 1860, by February 1861, six more Southern states had adopted ordinances of secession. All federal forts in these southern states (with the exception of four) had been seized by the state in which it was located. Ft. Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina was one of those 4 forts. At 3:20 a.m., April 12, 1861, the Confederates informed Anderson (who was in charge of the federal troops at Ft. Sumter) that they would open fire in one hour. At 4:30 a.m., a single mortar round fired from Fort Johnson exploded over Fort Sumter, making the start of the bombardment from 43 guns and mortars at Fort Moultrie, Fort Johnson. The official "first flag" of the Confederacy had a single palmetto leaf - which represented the state of South Carolina. It can still be seen encased in the musuem at Ft. Moultrie. Since the palmetto leaf is a South Carolina symbol, once the other states had unified against the "Union" - once President Lincoln declared war on the South (yep, it wasn't the SOUTH that declared war - it was the NORTH), the confederate flag as we know it was designed to represent all the Confederate States. Lincoln issued the first Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862, which declared the freedom of all slaves in any state of the Confederate States of America that did not return to Union control by January 1, 1863. So if the "slaves were not freed" until 17 months AFTER LINCOLN DECLARED WAR ON THE SOUTHERN STATES - how the hell do people think the South was fighting over the slaves being freed? YES - the Civil Was was fought over economics - hell - the North was buying the raw materials (cotton, tobacco, etc.) for pennies - taking the raw materials to Northern manufacturing plants to make finished goods - which they then sold BACK to the south for a hefty profit. France wanted to buy the raw materials and pay 10 times what the northern states were paying - BUT the federal government passed legislation which prohibited the South from exporting these raw materials without paying a VERY HIGH TARIFF (taxes) - which meant they would end up with less money than the North was willing to pay for the goods (ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME ON THIS?). The only way to prevent this was to withdraw from the Union. The Federal Government told the South they could not do that. Well - any TRUE SOUTHERNER knows - it's not a good idea to tell us that we are forbidden to do something which is in our best interest.
OK - now YES - most Southern Plantations owned slaves - but hey, guess what - they didn't own slave ships - those belonged to the NORTH! Who went to various places, bought Africans who were sold into slavery by their own people, transported them to the United States, and then sold them (and yes, many in the South owned slaves - but so did MANY people in the North. Now, don't get me wrong, SLAVERY IS WRONG - in any way shape form or fashion. BUT HELL - MY PEOPLE - THE CELTS - WERE ENSLAVED LONG BEFORE ANYONE KNEW WHERE THE HELL AFRICA WAS!!! So, I'm sorry - I am not telling the Queen of England or the chicken sh#t French that they OWE ME something because my ancestors were once sold into slavery or that they have to change their flag.
The Confederate Flag is a sign of PRIDE IN HERITAGE - NOT HATE. If you think it's hate - you a product of revisionist history - and you need to get educated. My motto is 'AMERICAN BY BIRTH - SOUTHERN BY THE GRACE OF GOD!" And those raised in the SOUTH - know exactly what it means - the South is the greatest place on this Earth. But you Northerners just stay where you are...lol. We like our South just like it is!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Have You Seen a Unicorn?
Have you seen a unicorn?
I am searching for a unicorn, yes a unicorn.
Crazy you say, yes it is,
for a Unicorn is but a mythical creature,
a beautiful creature, a noble creature.
A unicorn is selfless yet solitary, fierce yet good,
graceful yet unconquerable;
and only captured by means of trickery.
Unicorns were never feared
But always admired and even coveted for their magic.
Have you seen a unicorn?
Nor have I, and I truly do not search for one.
But I think I shall find a unicorn
before I find the true thing for which I search.
That illusive love, that connection;
some call it a soulmate, Plato called it a splitapart.
I had such dreams, such naïve ideas
I searched for the one I had loved but not in this life
I knew I had loved in another lifetime
and felt that love had survived death into eternity.
Have you seen a unicorn?
I’m giving up my search, for like the unicorn,
it is a mythical concept,
It is an illusion at best; one I was a fool to believe;
and at worse, it’s a lie.
Twice I believed I had made that connection,
but it seems I was wrong.
Either I was mistaken, or they lied, for you see,
it doesn’t really exist, now does it?
No I haven't seen a unicorn, silly, they don't exist.
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May 26, 2010